Recents in Beach



Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Electric cars - the future of mobility

Efficient energy from Volvo Cars

Pure Electric Cars ,  hybrid engine and moderate hybrid technology will change the way you move.

It's time for change
In 2017, we undertook to introduce electric technology into every vehicle in the ment kit in preparation for the post-combustion engine era. That right now. Be part of this change. We have started working with electric propulsion since the 1970s, and we learned a lot over time from the deployment of a test fleet of C30 electric vehicles in 2010 to the launch of the world's first hybrid diesel cars in 2012

Our commitment to electrifying cars has been a long time. Today, you can buy Volvo hybrid cars powered by electricity, we will add in the future more of the engines - including light hybrid engines and electric cars on the battery.

                2019                                                                                                 2025                            

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